
IBAPP #015 – Sales Margin, Gross Margin, Markup, Net Margin

In the weeks episode of the Irish Bookkeeping and Payroll Podcast, Sales margin, Gross Margin, Markup and Net Margin

The terms we use to analyse our Profit & Loss Statement are Sales Margin or Gross Margin Markup (on costs) Net Margin Useful article on wikipedia which gives more information on gross margin […]

IBAPP #013 – Weekly Wages Made Easy

In the weeks episode of the Irish Bookkeeping and Payroll Podcast, Weekly Wages made easy

How to make your life easier when doing wages How to complete wages quicker and also correctly Come up with ideas that remove your stress levels when dealing with weekly wages and suggestions about some things you should not do


IBAPP #011 – Sales Invoices, simple ways to get paid on time

In this episode, Prepare your Sales Invoices correctly and reduce the risk of payment being delayed or not getting paid at all.

The simple errors you make and can easily fix


If you are are Limited Liability company, your full limited liability company name must appear on the sales invoice

An accounts phone number […]

IBAPP #009 – Free Money

In this episode, Free Money, how to get back all the Free Money you are giving away

Revenue Commissioners

Subsistence, Mileage, Accommodation Rates

Petty Cash System

Expense Claim System

Vat Receipts not Credit Card receipts

Articles to Read

Directors Wages, Directors Expenses, Directors Loans, Subsistence, Drawings how to manage them all and not upset the […]